first comes love...then comes marriage

Monday, June 12, 2006

Who to root for?

So, now that the World Cup is taking over our lives (maybe not yours, but certainly mine... a little, and I must admit, it is a little addictive. I am up and it is 7:30, and I have to wait half an hour for it to be 8:00am, and for today's first game to start...and I'm counting the minutes), I am left with the question, who should I root for?

For most, this question is simple. They go for the country they are from (that is, if they are lucky to be from a country who made it to the cup). My father is German and my mother is also mostly German, so Germany would be a safe choice. But, Germany is not were my heart lives. Or, maybe they go for the best team. I think Brazil has an amazing team, and when they play it looks effortless. They look like they are dancing samba with the ball and it all just flows. But Brazil already has many many devoted fans. Or, maybe, they go for the team with the cutest players, as I confess I did when I was a teen. Back then it was the Italian team. However, I've grown up since then and Paolo Maldini, the cutest player and the reason for my obsession, has since retired. So, it's time to cheer for a new team--an underdog.

I have chosen to root for Portugal. This is where we went for our honeymoon and had a great time. They haven't ever won the cup, and if they did win it would be a great upset. They won their first game yesterday against Angola, 1-0. Go TEAM PORTUGAL!!!
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