first comes love...then comes marriage

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Online Baby Pool

Well, seeing as everyone seems convinced that they know what I am having, based on such scientific data as the shape of my belly and the changes to my facial features (as in, if you have a pointy belly (which people seem to think I have) and your face doesn't get deformed (which, for now, THANKFULLY, it hasn't) then it's a boy.

Well, put your money where your mouth is, I say and enter our online baby pool.(Game name is: babyponce, no spaces, no caps) You can guess the gender, the time and date, and the weight and length. Come birth time, we shall see who was right! :)


  • At 10:34 AM, Blogger Lori said…

    baby pool entry made :) Love to you both.


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