first comes love...then comes marriage

Sunday, June 04, 2006

A few pieces too few

So, back in November of 2005 Poncho and I started a 3,000 piece puzzle... We just finished it two days ago. Yes, we took our time, I admit. It was not an easy puzzle to make,
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting, as you can see from the picture, and there were long periods of abandonment.

After all that hard work, and patience, and time consumption, we are short a few pieces--five to be exact. Thankfully the makers of the puzzle, Educa, a company in Spain, have a lost pieces policy. Let's hope these pieces actually make it all the way to Guatemala, and we can put this project to rest. We have not had a dining room table since we started, and we are really looking forward to getting it back.


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