first comes love...then comes marriage

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Put a stop to harassment

The following story ran on CNN-- I loved this story (well for its empowering message, not for what this girl was subjected to, of course)!

If you can't see the link, it's the story of this girl minding her own business on the subway when a man sat opposite her, took out this "thing" and start rubbing himself. She took out her cellphone to look busy and then out of nowhere decided to take a picture of this guy. This picture made the rounds on the internet and once the man was identified he was even charged for exposing himself in public.

This story spurned a group of New Yorkers to create a blog for people to stand up for themselves and post pictures and stories of harrassment.

I wish this existed when I lived in New York. I would have snapped a pic (that is if I had a cellphone with a phone back then, which might have not existed then) of the little old man who approached me on the subway platform to whisper lude things in my ear. Or any of the other countless times that as a woman I was harassed as I walked down the street.

Women of New York (and the world) unite.

Poncho and I have been thinking of creating a blog for denouncing bad drivers (plenty of those around here). Especially those who don't use their blinkers---we hate that!


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