first comes love...then comes marriage

Friday, May 26, 2006

To each her own, I say...but I seem to be the only one

Well, last night I attended a baby shower. My friend, Michelle, is about a month away from her due date and her belly definitely puts mine to shame. She looks great. At the shower were two of her friends, one who had a baby five months ago and the other who has two girls already and is expecting her third. So, the discussion of course revolved around birth, babies and burping.

It all started with the usual question, "so, do you know what you are having?" And when they heard Poncho and I want to keep it a surprise, I got the usual, "Why? You should find out" and all the usual reasons. Why, so I can have a closet full of pink or blue? Fine, I've heard this before many times, so I know how to handle it. Smile, nod and try to change the subject.

Then, the discussion turned to the big E... No, not ecstasy, the Epidural (though some women might describe it as an ecstatic experience). See, I want to have the most natural birth I can and so I am not going to have one. And right away I hear, "Giving birth is very painful" and "It is so much more enjoyable to have pain relief" and "You won't be able to do it without it". How do you know? Are you me?

But, I didn't feel like arguing. Or, telling them that I'm going to try
hypnobirthing and maybe even have a water birth. Things I didn't mention because they would have looked at me and think "crazy hippie".

Besides which, these are very personal decisions. I would never force them on another woman. But, it seems like other people think it's okay to decide for me. Thing is, the more they say I should do this or that, the more decided I am to do what I think is right. They are only feeding my resolve. So, I just smile, nod and change the subject.


  • At 9:27 PM, Blogger Adrianna said…

    I love your posts on the leche league and hypnobirth! You go chica.


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