first comes love...then comes marriage

Friday, June 09, 2006

A Year Ago Today...

I was at Poly watching my students move up to the next grade, with tears in my eyes. Not only, because they were growing up, but also because that would be my last day as their teacher. At the end of the ceremony, before leaving, the entire fifth grade came over to me and hugged me one by one. It was heartbreaking (I'm crying as I write this). It is still one of the most moving moments in my life.

Though there are things about the school that were not ideal, and parents that gave me a hard time, it is that moment that made it all worth while and that makes me miss being there this year to see my first sixth grade class graduate from the middle school, my first fifth grade move up to the 8th grade, and my second fifth grade move up to the 7th grade.

I love you and miss you all and wish you the best. And, of course, have a great summer!


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