first comes love...then comes marriage

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Finally, present day

So, this is me now. In the present. I'm glad I have finally caught up. I don't have to rack my brain (before writing this I googled it to make sure it existed, and apparently it does. Read here to read more about its origin) to remember how I felt then. I know how I feel. I am living it right now.

Really and trully, I feel fat. I don't feel pregnant at all. I'm in a weird transtion phase where my current clothes don't fit (and let's not even mention my bras) but the maternity clothes I have is too big. So, I'm about to do what that woman in that BlueFly commercial does, and just walk out naked (By the by, Poncho thought that was a commercial for JetBlue and was thoroughly confused.)

I was at a party on Saturday and people kept petting my belly and I have to admit I didn't like it. I've always done that to pregnant women, and I guess its not so fun when you are the one being petted. Maybe when I have a real belly it will be better, but for now I felt like they are petting my bloat.

Pix of the bloat to follow...

Almost caught up...

So, my last appointment was at week 14 (I'm currently at week 15 and a half) and here are some ultrasound pics of the visit.

This one is my favorite! I love how you can see his or her hands.

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The baby was wiggling so much and kept his or her back turned to us most of the visit.

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Finally, a 3d shot of the face.

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Everything looked great! Can't wait to see how much more he or she grows in 4 weeks.

We can finally announce it to the world...

or at least our close friends.

This is a little announcement I created on Photoshop.

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This was sent off in seconds to our friends and family in the US, Chile, Germany, Costa Rica... and on the list goes. Isn't technology the best?

First comes the sac... then comes the heartbeat!

So, our first Dr's appointment was exciting... he confirmed the pregnancy and we could see the gestational sac--- isn't it beautiful!

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Needless to say this was already incredibly exciting. But the Dr. said, come in a week and we will see what we can see then. When I first saw it I could harldy believe it... a heartbeat. And hearing it was out of this world.

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Wednesday, April 12, 2006

And it's.... POSITIVE!

Well, I haven't written in a while (how many blog posts have you read that start like this, too many probably, but when and old cliché works, why change it).

For this post we will have to go back in time, some 9 weeks. We had just gotten back from being in New York (which was awesome, I miss you big apple--mostly I miss the very important people who live there, like my bestest friend Adrianna, who is the reason I am blogging, but I digress). There were no signs of my period, and my boobs felt different, there seemed to be blue veins where there were none before, but I had been fooled by phantom symptoms before, so we were scared to get our hopes up... Was this it?

So, we went to bed and said, tomorrow we are testing (you see, to do this pregnancy tests you need FMU (first morning urine, for you newbies at this). So, at around 5 am my eyes sprung open, and I turned and could see Poncho's eyes just as wide. We just nodded, and I went straight to our bathroom cubbard for a little plastic cup in which I was to gracefully pee. Somehow, even in the wee hours, I managed. So, we dunked our first little internet cheapie strip. And then we pretended not to look, but then we stared as the control line was visible, and then, "Wait, is that something?"

Poncho thought it was just our imagination tricking us, but a minute or two later our figment was darkening. It was positive! Well, we couldn't stop there. "Let's try with a different brand." And, so we dunked that too, and it too was positive. "Let's try a third!" We couldn't help it. We had tested before and had gotten no second line. We were hooked on how it looked. So, after doing 4 tests total, we were convinced.

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And so began our baby journey...